Dyke Farm Nature Reserve - how to get there


Please note  -  to avoid disturbance to livestock and wildlife, dogs are not permitted on our Reserve.
Access to the Reserve is via working farmland so please ensure that
- the designated routes to/from the Reserve are followed.
- all gates are left securely closed.
- you avoid disturbance to farm animals in the field.

NOTE that there are TWO Nature Reserves located in this area. They are in close proximity and partly share a common boundary. Dyke Farm Nature Reserve is the one owned by the Wildlife Club and is shown outlined in magenta on the image below.. It is not as well signposted as the second, the Community Nature Reserve, shown in pink on the image below, which is well signposted so easy to find. Detailed information on how to reach our Reserve is given below. However, we do recommend visitors go to both Reserves as they differ greatly in habitat and thus in the wildlife present.

To get to our Reserve

Click on any image below to see a larger version.

To find our Reserve when coming from Moffat, proceed along A701 Beattock Road (towards the A74(M) motorway) for about one mile. The Community Nature Reserve is well signposted on the main road. The access road to both Reserves (shown in blue on our image below) is on your left just as you come within sight of the motorway. If coming from the motorway, go towards Moffat for about 500 metres. The access to the Reserves is on your right at the first bend.

Pedestrians coming by road may follow either of the following routes but visitors coming by car have three parking options. These are detailed below with images to give guidance.

Parking Option 1 - at the roadside

There is limited parking (2 or 3 cars) available alongside the field fence at the top of the road near the junction - the side opposite the house - located at the extreme right of the above image. Do not use or obstruct the parking for the house opposite! This is not normally the best parking option but, in winter when roads may be icy, it is the safest choice as it can be very difficult to get a vehicle up the Community Reserve road. Proceed on foot as described for the next option.

Parking Option 2 - by the way in

This is the best parking option if visiting only our reserve. Go some 100 metres down the Dyke Farm road and take the left fork (also signed for the Community Reserve) at the road junction. Continue for about another 100 metres until you reach the wooden 'finger post' sign at the low point of the road, marked 'Wildlife Club Reserve. Parking is available here, sufficient for about four vehicles. Do not obstruct the gates on either side or the road itself.

This is the main way in to our reserve. Further directions are given below.

Parking Option 3- the Community Nature Reserve

Go all the way down to the Community Reserve where there is a designated car park for at least 10 vehicles. Note there is a height-restricter at the car park entrance. If visiting only our reserve, walk back up the road (about 230m) to the 'finger post' sign. Further directions are given below.


From the 'finger post' to our reserve

You will now be entering fields that may contain sheep - try not to cause unncessary disturbance to them. Be careful not to tread in any of their droppings!

This route is shown in Yellow on our main image. Pass through the field gate at the 'finger post', go along about 50 metres towards the end of the trees. Now go through the 'kissing gate' into the big field. Turn right and follow the tree line and then the fence line alongside the water until you reach the metal pedestrian gate. This is the entrance to our reserve. Be sure to close and bolt this gate behind you.


Enjoy your visit!

Variations available -

If visiting both reserves, we recommend parking at the Community Reserve car park. A tour of both reserves is possible. Refer to the information map at the car park for the layout of the Community Reserve. To reach our reserve, go past the hide in the 'meadow' area and continue, bearing left, to the Lint Pool. Continue past it along the vehicle tracks and head towards the northerly end (end nearest Moffat) of our reserve. Be aware that the track, where it passes the Lint Pool, is liable to flooding so 'wellies' are recommended if you choose this route. Here you will find a wooden pedestrian gate that will take you into the Orchard area of our reserve. From the Orchard you can then make your way around the rest of our reserve.
You may return via the same route or via the 'finger post' one (as described above but in reverse) and walk back to the car park.

Walkers who do not mind a bit of rough walking can come over the fields from the Green Frog (Hammerlands). Use the pedestrian bridge to cross the Annan river into the field, pass through the gate into another field, cross the watercourse, bear left to another gate and go in to the next field. Cross this field to reach the (quite conspicuous) stile and enter the reserve at the orchard end. Remember to securely close all gates properly behind you. One caution - the fields can be very wet/waterlogged after prolonged rain.